Introduction To Manual Muscle Testing For Shoulder

Introduction To Manual Muscle Testing For Shoulder

Introduction To Manual Muscle Testing For Shoulder

First Aid International is your one stop shop for all your First Aid needs. We can help you with all of your First Aid training, as well as supplying a full range of. Chapter 16: Muscle, Fascia, and Tendon Injuries Muscles are often injured in sports by strain, contusion, laceration, indirect trauma, rupture, hernia, and.

Functional Taping and Muscle Dysfunction. Resident Evil 2 Pc Games Free Download Full Version. Solecki, Thomas J. DC, DACBSP DACRB, ICSSDGrzeszkowiak, Konrad DC, PAK, CES, PES, FMT, PMTKramer, Abby BS, PAK, CPT, FMT, PMTFroberg, Collene BS, FMTIntroduction. Kinesiology taping is a commonly used method to treat various conditions and aid in rehabilitation.

Kenzo Kase, founder of the kinesiology taping method, proposed the following mechanisms for the effects of kinesiology tape: 1. Altered muscle function by the tapes effects on weakened muscles, 2. Improved circulation of blood and lymph by eliminating tissue fluid or bleeding beneath the skin, 3. Decreased pain through neurological suppression, and 4. Repositioning of subluxed joints by relieving abnormal muscle tension, and helping to affect the function of fascia and muscle. It appears that only one study has addressed the effect of kinesiology tape on muscle tone, thus increasing functionality, which yielded no statically significant result. This could be potentially due limited stretch of the tape used (1.

We have hypothesized that taping specific muscles, during a specific vector of movement may increase muscle response. To date, no research study to our knowledge has tested the validity of this hypothesis. Methods: Participants: Twenty- one male and female gymnasts between the ages of 1.

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Criteria for participation included no current ankle injury that is being treated professionally or conservatively. No one was harmed during this experiment.

Introduction To Manual Muscle Testing For Shoulder

Test Procedures: The subjects were tested using manual muscle testing (MMT) of six muscles surrounding the ankle joint: tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior, fibularis longus and brevis, fibularis tertius, and gastrocnemius. The standard references for muscle testing evaluation are based on the original work of Kendall and Kendall, Muscles: Testing and Function. Ankle range of motion (active dorsiflexion) was measured weight bearing and non- weight bearing using a digital inclinometer. Ankle agility and neuromuscular control was assessed using the Shark Test. Subjects were then kinesiology taped to increase tone for any neurologically inhibited muscles found.

All assessments were repeated and reevaluated immediately following specified taping protocols. Goodheart, founder of applied kinesiology, introduced his method of manual muscle testing to the Chiropractic profession in 1. International College of Applied Kinesiology (I. C. A. K.). 1. 2 In this study, manual muscles testing of 5 muscles surrounding the ankle were used to assess neurological facilitation or inhibition. Tibialis Posterior. To test the tibialis posterior the athlete was seated with the leg to be tested extended and neutral. The inclinometer was placed vertically along the anterior surface of the tibia and then zeroed.

Upon starting the test the subject dorsiflexed the ankle by performing a squat until maximal active dorsiflexion was achieved. The final angle at end range of motion was measured. This assessment was repeated on the opposite leg. All measurements were taken before taping, immediately after tape application, and at a 4.

Athletes performed a squat passed 9. Athletes were video recorded using an IPad. Athletes were recorded prior to kinesiology taping, immediately post kinesiology taping, and 4. Analysis of squat was done using Spark Motion. Bilateral knee valgosity was measured in degrees at 9. The test is designed to assess lower- extremity agility and neuromuscular control. Increased agility and neuromuscular control leads to improved function and increased endurance.

The athlete was positioned in the center box of a grid, with hands on hips and standing on one leg barefoot. The athlete was instructed to hop to each box starting from their top left, always returning to the center box, only hopping into each box once. The athlete performed one practice run through the boxes with each foot. The athlete was then timed while performing the test one time for each leg. Athlete repeated same procedure after being kinesiology taped. Shark Skill Test procedure with no initial practice trial. The specific vector of movement corresponded to the facilitation ofthat specific muscle as demonstrated by a manual muscle test described by Kendall.

Kinesiology taping was administered by practitioners certified in. Fascial Movement Taping (FMT). This method of movement taping consists of the athlete maximally stretching thespecified muscle that is to be taped. Tape is then applied from insertion of the muscle to the origin of the muscle as the athlete maximally contracts thespecified muscle. Kinesiology taping was applied to only the muscle(s) that demonstrated . If no muscles demonstrated a .

The base of the kinesiology tape was applied to the dorsalsurface of the base of the calcaneus with no tension as the ankle in full dorsiflexion. The tape was then rolled out with 2. Achilles tendon and up the middle of the gastrocnemius muscle belly, ending inferior to the popliteal fossa. While the tape was rolled out, the athletemoved the ankle into maximal plantar flexion, activating the gastrocnemius muscle, along with the rest of the triceps surae complex.

The base of the kinesiology tape was applied to the plantar surface of the base of the 1st metatarsal with no tension, as the ankle was plantar flexed and inverted. Tape was then rolled out with 2. While the tape was rolled out, the athlete moved the ankle into the plantar flexed and everted position activating the fibularis longus and brevis muscles. The base of the kinesiology tape was applied to the dorsal surface of the foot on the fifth metatarsal with no tension, as the ankle was dorsiflexed and inverted.

The tape was then rolled out with 2. While the tape was rolled out, the athlete moved the ankle into the dorsiflexed and everted position activating the fibularis tertius muscle. The base of the kinesiology tape was applied to the base of the 1st metatarsal head with no tension, as the ankle was in the plantar flexed and everted position.

The tape was then rolled out with 2. While the tape was rolled out, the athlete moved the ankle into the dorsiflexed and inverted position activating the tibialis anterior muscle.

The base of the kinesiology tape was applied to the base of the 5th metatarsal for added stabilization with no tension, as the ankle was in the plantar flexed and everted position. The tape was then rolled out with 2. While the tape was rolled out, the athlete moved the ankle into the plantar flexed and inverted position activating the tibialis posterior muscle. All 4/5 inhibited muscles that were taped demonstrated facilitation to a 5/5 MMT post taping. MMT in all ankle muscles bilaterally. Post taping of posterior tibialis muscles bilaterally demonstrated to maintain a 5/5 MMT. Left and right non weight bearing ROM both resulted in a 0.

P value post taping for a 5 degree decrease in ROM. Left weight bearing ROM resulted in a 0.

P value and right weight bearing ROM resulted in a 0. P value for a 5 degree decrease in ROM. Left Shark skill test resulted in a 0. P value and right Shark skill test resulted in a 0. P value. Left squat knee angle assessment resulted in a 0. P value and the right squat angle assessment resulted in a 0.

P value. Left non- weight bearing ROM resulted in 0. P value and right non- weight bearing ROM resulted in a 0. P value. Left weight bearing ROM resulted in a 0. P value and right weight bearing ROM resulted in a 0. P value. Left Shark skill test resulted in a 0. P value and right Shark skill resulted in a 0.

P value. Left squat angle assessment resulted in a 0. P value and the right squat angle assessment resulted in a 0. P value. We also assessed our sample population at same time of day to limit daily activity variables. At no time during the study did any of the participants experience any discomfort or pain, either from the assessment, or from the taping application. Participants may have demonstrated a 4/5 MMT due to previous injury (not assessed), overuse injuries with no subjective measures (not assessed), and/or potential muscle imbalances due to compensation or improper biomechanics (not assessed). This agrees with the current literature on the topic of kinesiology taping. In the range of motion, shark skills test, and overhead functional squat assessment there was not a significant difference in the subjects’ performance before taping, after taping, and in the 4.

However, the athlete’s performance for these assessments were not diminished either. All 1. 6 of the subjects with muscle(s) of 4/5 strength, post taping demonstrated 5/5 strength of those muscle(s).

During the 4. 8- hour follow up assessment, all muscles that were taped demonstrated a maintained 5/5 strength with the MMT. The kinesiology tape, taped in the specific application as explained above to a muscle displaying a 4/5 MMT, demonstrated an increase in muscle tone and did not appear to have a negative effect subjectively or objectively in the surrounding musculature. This could prove to be a very effective technique to use for athlete rehabilitation and retraining of faulty firing patterns, as there were no negative effects from this taping technique. All of these subjects maintained 5/5 strength of the tibialis posterior muscle. This again demonstrates that the kinesiology tape did not provide a negative affect to muscles demonstrating 5/5 strength. Myofascial units. Myofascial units are specialized mechanoreceptors at the musculotendinous junction.

Ib afferent fibers are entangled within the myofascial unit and innervate it. The afferent fiber receptor depolarizes as weight and tension compresses the myofascial unit. This depolarization stimulates the Ib interneuron, which inhibits the corresponding alpha motor neuron that is normally stimulated by the neuromuscular spindle.

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Introduction To Manual Muscle Testing For Shoulder
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