This Is An Animal, Not a Penis. This is a peanut worm. It is an animal. Not a penis. But it looks like a penis. A team of Australian researchers have been sharing photos from their month- long expedition with the RV Investigator, a research vessel currently exploring the oceans off of Australia’s coast.
We covered their last phallic discovery, a seemingly faceless fish. Life gets pretty weird in the cold abyss of the deep sea. One deep ocean oddity presented itself to . Which looks even more like a penis. It all started when the IBTimes shared their tweet, embedded above. Microsoft Virtual Cd Control Panel Xp View.
People really liked it. Because it looks like a penis. Humans love laughing about things that look like penises. I, being a human, also laughed at the penis. But it’s not a penis. It’s a worm. Also called the Sipuncula (a word whose letters you can rearrange to say “Luc, a pinus!”), there are at least 1. Its name comes from the fact that when it retracts, it looks like a peanut.
This is a peanut worm. It is an animal. Not a penis. But it looks like a penis. A team of Australian researchers have been sharing photos from their month-long. The database recognizes 1,746,000 software titles and delivers updates for your software including minor upgrades. The Cheetah is a supercar featured in both the 3D Universe and HD Universe. It is manufactured.
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These animals can reproduce both sexually and asexually, according to Wikipedia, a website I feel okay citing because I’m blogging about a worm that looks like a penis. You might be surprised to find out that there are other species of sea worms that look like penises, too! Today, science news writers got excited about a purportedly new species of “worm snail” found by.
We’ll continue sharing the RV Investigator’s findings as they come out. Especially if they look as much like a penis as this one does.