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How to access VMFS Datastore from Linux / Windows. Today we’ll discuss two easy ways of getting access to the data stored on VMFS datastore of ESXi hypervisor (these are configuration files, data and snapshots of virtual machines) from Linux and Windows. Install Contact Sheet Ii Cs5 Serial. Actually, this article is based on a real case of our customer when the only productive server with VMware ESXi hypervisor has stopped booting. The issue was that backup of VMware virtual machines hadn’t been configured as well as there was no time to detect and solve booting problems.
Therefore, it was decided to manually copy the files of critical virtual machine form VMFS storage and run it on another computer to urgently raised for this purpose hypervisor ESXi. Let’s deal with two scenarios of accessing data in the VMFSHow to Access VMFS from Ubuntu. In this section we’ll show how to mount a VMFS partition on a PC with Ubuntu (Ubuntu Live CD won’t suit us in this case).
Firstly, you have to connect a physical disk with VMFS to a PC with Ubuntu. To get access to the data on the VMFS partition, you have to install a special package vmfs- tools. This package allows to get access to VMFS from non- ESX/ESXi hosts.
The access is available in read- only mode. Install the package with the following command1.
Note. In Ubuntu repository, only vmfs- tools 0. VMFS v. 4. If you need to mount a VMFS 5 datastore, you will have to download and install vmfs- tools 0. Alongside the section for virtual machine files (VMFS), the ESXi hypervisor creates a number of service partitions during its installation. If the ESXi version is 4 or earlier, or a VMFS storage has been updated from VMFS 4 to VMFS 5, and its size doesn’t exceed 2. TB, display the list of disks and partitions like this: As you can see, the VMFS partition is /dev/sd. VMware VMFS) Important. Since ESXi 5 uses VMFS v.
GPT (GUID Partition Table is used instead of MBR, and allows to create larger storages, as well as connect RDM- disks (< 2. TB) in the physical compatibility mode). So to see the partition table you have to use the command parted instead of fdisk. So, display the partition information as follows: Now you only have to mount a partition with the VMFS storage: 1. Show the contents of the mounted partition: Thus, we can see all virtual machine files in the VMFS storage, which is read- only, and it means that we can copy the directories and/or separate files of the necessary virtual machines to a separate disk and run them on another ESXi host. How to Access VMFS from Windows.
To access the data on the VMFS partition from Windows, you’ll need a special driver Open Source VMFS Driver on Java. This driver requires Java version 6 or later and allows to mount VMFS volumes only for reading. A new disk that contains VMFS datastore available for reading should appear in the system.