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Daily Updates (Nov. Daily Updates from June 1.
TOP TEN Moments From A. G. Sessions’ Testimony. Sessions: “It’s like Through the Looking Glass” (around 8: 1. Here’s a quote from Through the Looking Glass. The one who first introduced “synchronicity”, Carl Jung said this was one of his favorite quotes. The movie came out 1. The rule is, jam to- morrow and jam yesterday—but never jam to- day.”“It MUST come sometimes to .
Happy Birthday Donald Trump – Hindu Sena to cut cake for . Flag day began on June 1. Donald Trump would be born on June 1. June 1. 4 is the 1.
Flag Day, the 1. 40th Flag Day was in the year of the Balfour Declaration. Trump’s last full day before taking office and 1. Residents jumping from building with more trapped inside block that contains 1. UNITED KINGDOM HORROR SHOW – March 2. Westminster attack – May 2. Manchester attack – June 3 – London Bridge – June 1. Tower Fire. North Korea expecting visit from former NBA star Dennis Rodman.
On the same day Otto is released in a coma after being held 1. Rodman arrives 1. Revelation 1. 2 sign.
RODman’s polar opposite AC Green’s Iron Virgin documentary released on April 2. Revelation 1. 2 sign – VIRGIN gives birth to the man child who will rule with a ROD of IRON. She gave birth to a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne. Revelation 1. 2: 5. Independence Is Not For Children(Emmanuel) Macron: We want to build a strong Europe that will speak with one voice.
If you want to throw up – Katy Perry – Friends and Family Dinner (Witness World Wide). Degenerates gather to discuss the problem of conservatives and white people. The default assumption, if “whiteness” is wrong all that is not “white” is right. The symbol is below, all seeing eye with WWW or Vav, Vav, Vav (6. Katy Perry – Bonding With Ru.
Paul (Witness World Wide) – talking about how they are both Scorpio (see Scorpio below). Sign of Jonah – Humpback whales return to NYC for the first time in a century.
The whale sightings are so frequent, there are multiple ferry companies offering whale- watching tours. The photo below was taken on September 2.
September 2. 3, 2. ROCK- AWAY Beach in Queens. Matthew 1. 2: 4. 0 – Then the ROCK rolled AWAY. For the first time in 1.
NYC. You mean like since 1. Until the enactment of the Clean Water Act in 1. New York City’s waters were a dumping ground for everything from medical waste to factory run- off. Sure we can credit NYC’s environmental efforts but I think the 1. This article was from 2. Queens – Jewish population grows in Queens.
Israel approves largest West Bank settlement construction in 2. Israel has greenlighted plans for over 8,0. West Bank, with over a third for “immediate” construction, the defense minister revealed on Sunday, making it the largest expansion of Jewish settlements in the area in 2.
First Lady Melania Trump, Son Barron, 1. Move Into the White House – 3 days before Trump’s 7. On June 1. 1, 2 months and 2. Barron’s 1. 1th birthday. Barron will be the first boy to live in the White House since 1. John F. 3. 5 days before the 1. JFK Jr.’s plane crash.
JFK’s inauguration in 1. Days of Noah – Here is how to get the new Pride reaction on Facebook. You know Facebook, the thing where everyone WRITES ON WALLS. Facebook said “We believe in building a platform that supports all communities. So we’re celebrating love and diversity this Pride by giving you a special reaction to use during Pride Month.” However, the new feature isn’t available immediately to all Facebook users.
To unlock and access the Pride reaction, simply . Pride appears 4. 9 times in the KJV, the final and 4. John 2: 1. 6: For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. EMOTIONS – Facebook’s Emotion Tech: Patents Show New Ways For Detecting And Responding To Users’ Feelings. You “like”, “love”, are “happy”, “sad” and “angry” etc.
It doesn’t even make sense. Do we have brains? JIM ROGERS: The worst crash in our lifetime is coming. Xbox – Project Scorpio.
When we think about the future of Xbox we think about removing barriers. They wanted a console that had no boundaries, no limitations. My job is to put you into an experience and let you live that experience.
It’s going to be magical.” Xbox One X: Everything we know about Project Scorpio’s final form. It will be released during “Scorpio”. Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits this area on average between October 2.
November 2. 2, and under the sidereal zodiac, the sun currently transits the constellation of Scorpius from approximately November 1. December 1. 5. It will be released 9. Scorpion TV show aired “Postcards from the Edge”. Scorpius, the Scorpion, is Latin, from Greek skorpios.
The Hebrew word for scorpion (from Arabic), br*q+u^(`aqerab), appears to be blended from the Hebrew rq^u* (`aqar), to wound, and the Hebrew bq@u* (`aqab), the heel. The scorpion is “an insect which is a nocturnal arachnid, with an elongated body and venomous stinger at the tip, of the order Scorpionida and likely the genus Buthus.”“the authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy”- Luke 1.
They have tails and stings like scorpions, and their power to hurt people for five months is in their tails – Revelation 9: 1. Remember, “Mem” is 4. Steve Cioccolanti’s Wife .
She was born on 6/8 and of the 4 mentions of Gabriel in scripture, Luke 1: 1. NT. Adam West, Star of Iconic Batman TV Show, Dies at 8. Dies at 8. 8, the day before the 8. July 4, 1. 77. 6. I added this yesterday on the number index page: Strong’s #1. An interesting convergence to Genesis 6: 3.
In fact, this is the very word used in Genesis 6: 3 – And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also . Interesting personal convergence – my life forever changed under the weight of glory on Adam’s 8. West died pi from the Revelation 1. He was born exactly 2.
Jerusalem 6/7/6. 7. Do not overlook the significance of WEST (home to the other Golden Gate). History flows towards Jerusalem and the seat of man’s power transitioned to the west.
Prior to the close of the age the power will leave the west. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. In world history when the sun sets in the west the world transitions to a new age. All the technological advancements that have accelerated world events were born out of the western seat of power. The EINSIGN – This is incredible from Andy Rogers in our Facebook group – Albert Einstein was born on 3/1. This was 1. 7 years 1. First Zionist Congress on 8/3.
Einstein was 7. 0 years 7 months 7 days old on the day of Benjamin Netanyahu’s birth on 1. Einstein’s birth was 1. Emmanuel Macron on 1. Donald Trump turned exactly 7. Einstein’s birthday in 2. Stephen Curry turned 2.
Day- old baby found abandoned inside Jonas Brothers backpack. Liberman: We are . Defense minister says opportunities for full ties with Arab world could help sway Netanyahu government to accept arrangement. Phil Collins cancels shows after suffering fall. The lead singer of GENESIS suffers a FALL.
THE GENESIS MAN SUFFERS A WOUND TO THE HEAD. Ge 3: 1. 5 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, He was then taken to the hospital where he received stitches for the “severe gash on his head close to his eye.”The United Methodist Church has appointed a transgender deacon.
I tried to walk away.” Methodist, in Hebrew, “meth” means death. How appropriate considering the lethal nature of the drug “Meth”. No coincidence there. Methuselah – means “death sent” and in the days of Noah the flood followed immediately upon his death.
Known as “M. Barclay” “Pour out your Holy Spirit upon M,” the bishop said. It’s numeric value is 4. Noah. BARCLAY, this story comes 4. NBA Draft at Barclays. We covered this in Coincidence Crowed At Barclays Before Brexit under the section “Bar- Clay”. Comey to testify that Trump sought .
Text of Comey opening statement released on 6/7/1. Senate Intelligence Committee and 6 months and 7 days (1. Comey’s 5. 7th birthday. FULL TEXT: Speaker Ryan’s Remarks on the 5. Anniversary of Jerusalem Reunification.
We have covered in posts 6. US passes legislation to allow for Declaration of Independence.
Jerusalem restored to Israel. Today is the 5. 8th birthday of Mike Pence on the 1. VP on the 5. 8th Presidential Inauguration. Consider below, Revelation 1.
NASA introduces 1. They join the current 4.
Gal Gadot Filmed . And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. Revelation 1. 2: 1- 2 U. S. Nikki Haley turned 4.
President took office. The threat of the US pulling out of UN human rights body comes on the eve of Jerusalem’s 5. Melania Trump was baptized on Donald Trump’s birthday“Khan- troversy” Part Deux escalation – London Mayor Calls For Cancellation of Trump State Visit. Amorphophallus titanum (from Ancient Greek amorphos, “without form, misshapen” + phallos, “phallus”, and titan, “giant”), known as the titan arum.
As the spathe gradually opens, the spadix releases powerful odors to attract pollinators, insects which feed on dead animals or lay their eggs in rotting meat. Titan arum – Eden project. Megyn Kelly One on One with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Best part begins around 7: 2.
You guys are so creative over there. Your lives must be so boring.” Body Language: Putin Interview. Benjamin NETANYAHU was Predicted by Enoch . Elvis D was born 7. Elvis “The King” died. He was born 1. 1 days after the 4.
Elvis Presley’s birth and now he signs with the 4. The 4. 9er/San Francisco theme has been covered extensively, most recently in Solomon post. Yes, Elvis will be playing alongside recently drafted Solomon. Elvis signed 4. 0 days after Solomon was drafted. The year before the 4.
Deforest Buckner who attended the same high school as the 4.